CONFERENCE POSTPONED Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration - 2020 CAPWHN National Conference
Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration - 2020 CAPWHN National Conference
Please Note: Online Registration is Now Closed
The registration deadline for this event was Aug 25, 2020.
Wednesday, September 23rd - Friday, September 25th, 2020
RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg
375 York Ave
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 3J3
Google Map
Registration Deadline
Tuesday, August 25th, 2020
Early Bird Deadline
Register on or before Wednesday, April 1st, 2020 to receive special pricing.
Event Description

The Canadian Association of Perinatal and Women's Nurses (CAPWHN) {l'Association canadienne des infirmières et infirmiers périnatalité et en santé des femmes} has over 400 members from across Canada representing managers, clinical and academic educators, and other perinatal and women's health professionals. Our members work in hospitals, clinics, universities and colleges, and the community. The focus is on clincial care, education, research and consultation.

Contact & Support


Tel: 613-730-4192 x 266

Email: [email protected]



All prices in Canadian dollars
* Early Bird Price Special
On or before Apr 1, 2020
Regular Price
After Apr 1, 2020
Platinum Sponsor
Includes benefits outlined in the prospectus.
Also includes one 8x10 exhibit space and two complimentary exhibitor registrations.

If your onsite reps have been identified, please select (add to cart) the Complimentary Onsite Representatives option below.
  $10000.00 $10000.00
Gold Sponsor
Includes benefits outlined in the prospectus.
Also includes one 8x10 exhibit space and two complimentary exhibitor registrations.

If your onsite reps have been identified, please select (add to cart) the Complimentary Onsite Representatives option below.
  $8500.00 $8500.00
Silver Sponsor
Includes benefits outlined in the prospectus.
Also includes one 8x10 exhibit space and two complimentary exhibitor registrations.

If your onsite reps have been identified, please select (add to cart) the Complimentary Onsite Representatives option below.
  $7000.00 $7000.00
Bronze Sponsor
Includes benefits outlined in the prospectus.
Also includes one 8x10 exhibit space and two complimentary exhibitor registrations.

If your onsite reps have been identified, please select (add to cart) the Complimentary Onsite Representatives option below.
  $5000.00 $5000.00
Company, Hospital or Government Exhibit Booth
One 8x10 exhibit space and two complimentary exhibitor registrations.

If your onsite reps have been identified, please select (add to cart) the Complimentary Onsite Representatives option below.

Register by April 1st for the early bird rate of $2,100. After that date the regular rate of $2,300 applies.
  $2100.00 $2300.00
Complimentary Onsite Representatives
Exhibit booth representatives names and contact info.
To be completed with exhibit booth or sponsorship registration.
  $0.00 $0.00
Additional Onsite Representatives
Additional paid registrations beyond complimentary allotment. Maximum of 2 additional onsite representatives per booth.
  $300.00 $300.00
Delegate Kit Insert - Exhibitor
Exhibitors may provide inserts for inclusion in the delegate kit at a reduced fee.
  $100.00 $100.00
Delegate Kit Insert, Non-Exhibitor
Companies not exhibiting may provide inserts for inclusion in the delegate kit at the full fee.
  $250.00 $250.00
Cancellation &
Refund Policy

Upon acceptance by CAPWHN, this application constitutes a contract. The Company agrees to all the policies set forth in the Exhibitor Manual and hereby authorizes the CAPWHN to reserve exhibit space at the RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg. The Company also agrees to pay the total cost of the booth space at the time of booking. CAPWHN expressly reserves the right to reject an application for any reason and may relocate or reassign exhibit booths at any time for the overall benefit of the conference.


Sponsorship and partnership options are non-refundable.


Written cancellations for exhibit booths, additional reps and delegate bag inserts received on or before July 31, 2020 will be refunded minus a $50.00 administrative fee. Written cancellations received from August 1, 2020 through August 31, 2020 will be refunded at 50%. There will be no refunds from September 1, 2020 on. Any no-shows will result in a forfeiture of the registration fees.

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